Although Tokyo is the largest city in Japan, it has an interesting location. Tokyo is divided into 3 main parts which includes 23 main wards, the Tama Area (the mainland of Tokyo) and islands. Most of this blog will be focusing on the mainland area of Tokyo to decrease confusion. The city is bordered by the Tamagawa River and the Kanagawa Prefecture in the south and the Edogawa River and Chiba Prefecture in the east. There are many mountains that lie to the west of Tokyo that include Mount Kumotori, Mount Takao, Mount Mitake, and Mount Mihara. As mentioned above, the mainland part of Tokyo (the Tama Area) is bordered by the Tokyo Bay. As one can see, Tokya has a very interesting location for being the captial of Japan.
Map of Tokyo
Bridge from mainland of Tokyo to Tsukishima (island of Tokyo)
Main part of City in Tokyo
Pictures cited (in order of apperance)
cool bro